Fathers, activate the joy centre in your child. Look him in the eye with your best smile, and say to him, "You are the sparkle of my eye!"
Fathers, hug each of your children 3 times this week. As you do it, say "You are so wonderful"
Fathers, sms or tell each child with one reason why he is wonderful to you.
Fathers, write these words, "You are my precious child. Daddy loves you very much" on a card and placed it on each of your children's bed or table, to surprise them.
Fathers, ask each of your children "What is one thing that you like daddy to do with you?", then set a date with each child to do it!
Fathers, always look for opportunities to affirm and encourage your children. Be your family's CEO - Chief Encouragement Officer. Look for 1 thing that each of your children has done well and praise them!
Fathers, express your love and commitment to your wife in the presence of your children, saying, "I love you and I am committed to you."
Fathers, affirm the unique personality and talents of each of your children. Tell your children that they are God's gift to your family and the world!
Fathers, if your children are preparing for school examinations, motivate them and tell them, "Daddy believes in you and will always love you."
Fathers, bring fun and laughter to your family. Do a fun activity together or share jokes with one another. Having fun and laughter together help the family to 'de-stress' and not be too hard on yourselves and your children!
Fathers, affirm your children and acknowledge their efforts even when they don't succeed. Remind them, "Daddy will always love you. Nothing will ever change that."