Friday 9 October 2009


Have you ever noted the Master's mathematics in these two sparrow texts - Matthew 10:29 and Luke 12:6? The sparrow was sold as an article of food in the Palestine markets. So cheap was the little bird that two of them were sold for the paltry pittance of a farthing. 'Are not two sparrows sold for a farthing?' "Are not five sparrows sold for two farthings?" Naturally four of them would be sold for two farthings. But so insignificant were they in the sight of the vendor that when a buyer came along with two farthings, the seller threw in an extra one, giving five for two, instead of four. Yet of this extra sparrow-almost worthless in the sight of the vendor, the Lord utters this wonderful word, "Not one of them is forgotten before God"

The God of the universe is also the God of the tiny sparrow, and in His tender care so the most trivial details of our lives are ever present, unforgotten, and tenderly cared for before our Father in heaven. He wants us to bring such detail, however insignificant, in the happy confidence that He is ever watching and waiting to meet our every need however humble

1 comment:

  1. Hi, Jean, It is so heart warming to know that our God is ever watching and waiting to meet our every humble need.
