"I had worked all year long on the women's retreat," Ann explained. "I didn't get a paycheck, but that wasn't what I was doing it for in the first place. I was planning the retreat to honour Jesus. I'll admit, though, that I longed for someone to tell me,'I appreciate all your hard work,' or 'You really ministered to me,' or 'Thank you for all you do to encourage women.' I didn't do all that work for a pat on the back, but a pat on the back would have meant so much." Then she concluded,"I'm not sure I have it in me to do it again."
I wonder if a few positive words of thanks would have given Ann the fuel she needed to tackle the women's retreat for another year. While the women who attended were filled, Ann left drained and discouraged.
Take a look at how Paul used his words to encourage the various churches in the New Testament in Philippians 1:3-11 and Colossians 1:3-8 and to Timothy in 2 Timothy 1:3-4!
Simple words, but powerful words! Encouragement will help someone grow!
(Extracts from the book entitled 'THE POWER OF A WOMAN'S WORDS' by Sharon Jaynes
Yes. Let us learn to encourage one another so that we will continue in the faith.