Thursday 11 November 2010

Questions of faith

Read "Exploring Prayer" by Sue Mayfield and enjoy it very much.

Binding and Loosing Prayer:
Liberating god, we pray for our world.
May your people care for the environment, respect each other and live as you intended.
Hear our prayer and set your people free.

erciful God, we pray for countries where there is war.
May hope and vision untangle the cords of hatred and division and may those whose lives have been blighted by violence be liberated from bitterness.
Hear our prayer and set your people free.

Compassionate God, we pray for those who live in poverty.
May they be set free from the bondage of other people's greed and indifference and released from the chains of injustice and despair.
Hear our prayer and set your people free.

Life-giving God, we pray for those whose lives are dominated by illness, disability or pain.
May they find comfort and relief and the liberation of loving care.
Hear our prayer and set your people free

Powerful God, we pray for those in the grip of addition or debt and for those whose lives are spoilt by vicious circles of abuse and neglect.
May the truth set them free and your healing untie the yoke of their oppression.
Hear our prayer and set your people free

Father God, we pray for all whose lives are ruled by fear and for those whose minds are tied in knots with worry or depression.
May they know the freedom of peace that only You can bring.
Hear our prayer and set your people free.

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