Tuesday, 21 June 2011

James 2:14-16


What are some ways that we as believers can put actions behind our words?

Here are some answers I got as I ponder over this question:
1) Do not gamble so as to 'earn more money' for I believe that God will provide. Also God will honour me when I work hard for we must not be lazy or be gluttons. What God has given me through work, may I use this to bless others.

2) Do not sigh or complain as I confess that God is good. So no matter under what situations, let me rejoice for He is good all the time.

3) Do works of charity even as I tell others or believe that God is love. For by spreading cheer or by doing good deeds, i am showing God's love to others.

4) As I believe that God is all powerful and God is my Healer and Master, than I must not worry or be filled with anxiety and fear. What I can do is to tell God what's the trouble, turn to His Word for wisdom and comfort and then seek help from church elders.

5) As I believe in heaven and eternal life with Christ, then I must tell others about it. I can't keep it to myself. Start praying, start fasting, start sharing, start telling. Ask God for His divine intervention to lead me to a person He wants me to reach out to.

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