Sunday 27 November 2011

God Is In Charge

I want to give glory to God for He cares for me and those whom He loves.

On 25th November 2011, I and a few friends are going for a picnic at the Garden. But it was raining cats and dogs the day before. 3 friends had called me and asked what are my alternative plans if it should continue to rain the next day. I told them that we will go by faith, as we have always done in the past, and God will decide as He is our Sovereign God.

While I was lying on the bed, I kept releasing this matter to God, even though I could still hear the pittter and patter of the rain against my window panes. God gave me peace and in no time I was sound alseep.

I woke up early in the morning to a bright and sunny day! Praise God! How could it be, except that the God of the universe has stopped the rain! And not only that, this outing recorded the highest number of 'Connecties' - 12! Wow, thank You Heavenly Papa for delighting us always with Your goodness and generousity. God loves His little children, for I am one of them!

God Takes Care of my all

God is good to me and I would like to record this so that I can call to mind the great deeds He has done for me. (Psalm 105:4-5)

I was woken up last night by a loud thud! I jumped out of bed and switched on the light to check it out. I found my picture frame has fallen from the wall. But what is so amazing is it did not hit the porcelain 'egg' placed directly underneath it. I found the picture frame on the floor next to the fragile 'egg'. I inspected both the picture and the egg carefully, and both are in good condition! Everything is perfectly OK.
As I thanked God and reflected on this, I know God is speaking to me. Before I went to bed, I prayed to God and release my elder son to Him. My elder son is anxious about his new posting in the army and came to me that night just before he left for the camp. I know God is saying to me that He will take care of everything that is precious to me and to Him. He took care of that 'egg' for me even though I cared not for it, so how much more will He care for my son(s)!

Thank you Heavenly Father for Thy loving care and protection. I will learn to lean and depend on You even more from now on... In Jesus name. Amen

Wednesday 22 June 2011


I am reading this book entitled "What Ticks GOD Off" by Bruce Bickel and Stan Jantz.
It is a very refreshing book written in a very light and easy to read style. But its message is solemn. There are so many ways that we irritate God. Just to name a few examples from the book - failing to acknowledge that God was the source of our prosperity and wealth, ignoring or forgetting God, abandoning God's laws and any connection between Him and the routine of real life, arrogance toward God and rebellion against His precepts, spiritual hypocrisy, running to the wrong direction like Jonah, oppress or neglect the poor, stand aloof and refusing to help those in need, gloat over those in trouble, rejoice when others suffer like Edom etc etc.

But there is good news. The lives of the minor prophets highlight God's grace and forgiveness. Let Bruce and Stan help us to get back on track and find our way back to the heart of God

Tuesday 21 June 2011

James 2:14-16


What are some ways that we as believers can put actions behind our words?

Here are some answers I got as I ponder over this question:
1) Do not gamble so as to 'earn more money' for I believe that God will provide. Also God will honour me when I work hard for we must not be lazy or be gluttons. What God has given me through work, may I use this to bless others.

2) Do not sigh or complain as I confess that God is good. So no matter under what situations, let me rejoice for He is good all the time.

3) Do works of charity even as I tell others or believe that God is love. For by spreading cheer or by doing good deeds, i am showing God's love to others.

4) As I believe that God is all powerful and God is my Healer and Master, than I must not worry or be filled with anxiety and fear. What I can do is to tell God what's the trouble, turn to His Word for wisdom and comfort and then seek help from church elders.

5) As I believe in heaven and eternal life with Christ, then I must tell others about it. I can't keep it to myself. Start praying, start fasting, start sharing, start telling. Ask God for His divine intervention to lead me to a person He wants me to reach out to.

Friday 8 April 2011

Father Answers Prayers

A good friend wanted to bring her parents to my place for the TGIF Matthew party. She is very concerned about their salvation as they are quite old. When she brought up the matter to them, the father was willing but her mother refused. When she told me the news, we were both very disappointed. So I suggest we leave it to God but we pray hard. That was last week.
Today my friend called me and told me she brought up this matter again to her parents. Her brother was also together with them. This brother not only encouraged the parents to come to my place, but also inquired whether his wife can come too! My friend could not believe her ears! Both the brother and sister-in-law are unbelievers and have also scolded my friend for sharing the gospel.
I do not know what has happened, but I am very convinced that our Papa God hears our prayers and He answers all our prayers. All the glory to Him. Praise the Lord!

Wednesday 6 April 2011


I am not a person who is good with gadgets. I remember I needed my son to help out with the DVD player two years ago when friends came to my place to watch Kelvin's testimony. So I put in some determination to know at least how to get the machine works - with the help of my husband. Finally I manged to play some CDs and even get to watch some movies.
This year our church is celebrating Good Friday by sharing the gospel at home. We name it TGIF. And we will play the CD on Kelvin's wife this time round. So I open my home for the Matthew party again and I was very sure I know how to handle the gadget. We played the CD in church during last week cell meeting. Nothing came on the screen, we tried to push many buttons but no sound came out, but at least the picture came on. So we had to call in the experts and eventually managed to watch the whole thing. So my cell leader reminded me to try it at home. I was kept busy and forgot about it. I received the leader's sms reminder on Monday and I said I would try it on the next day.
In the afternoon I put the CD into the player. I saw the player displayed lights and the CD was moving but no picture nor sound came on. Then I remember the flash flood I 'enjoyed' in February. The telcos' workers came to change the boxes for me as they were all not working due to the water that came in through the window nearby. The repairman told me he had to removed the DVD wire as there just too many wires for him to handle! I completely forgot about the whole matter. Fortunately my husband was in Singapore. For the past years, he came back to Singapore in March for my birthday. Because I was not in Singapore this March, my husband postponed his trip to early April. Praise God for that because my husband finally manged to get the wires fixed (my son does not know how to do it, in fact the last time he messed up all the wires). Thank God that I still remember how to get this DVD player working and am now looking forward to watching this testimony with all friends who will come on TGIF . Hallelujah!

Saturday 26 March 2011

We are wonderfully made by GOD

As I consider all these wonderful things God made, I am awestruck. All Glory to His Name!
1) The numbers of chromosomes and cells, DNA etc
2) Types of blood, red and white, positive and negative, A B O AB etc
3) Hairs on our body. When the hairs on our heads turn white, so do our eyebrows, side burns and goatees.
4) Types of teeth for various functions etc. Even our wisdom teeth.
5) The extras in our bodies - like the appendix and extra fingers or toes.
6) Bones in our body - even the ear-bone and skull.
7) How our bodies take in/absorb and then later discharge/give out like water, food,air. At times, even feelings like love and wisdom of words.
8) Amazing body parts like nails, ear-lobes with no blood vessels (so that you can wear ear-rings) and also our skin.
9) Colours of our skin, hair, eyes. We also have spots, dimples and birth-marks.
The list is not exhausting.