Thursday 9 September 2010

His Grace Is Sufficient For Me

Paul was afflicted with a thorn in the flesh, and he asked the Lord to remove it 3 times. But God says to him"My grace is sufficient for you." Thus I have always associate this verse to mean strength - God's strength is enough to see us through trials and tribulations.

But something happened yesterday and this verse popped out of my mind, and has given me a new meaning. My younger boy was taking his piano practical exam and I was with him. On the way to the exam. hall, I checked with him whether he brought along the letter from the exam board. He searched his bag and could not find it. I was angry because we were almost there and there's no way I could go home. Though I did not scold him, but I was mumbling about his carelessness, and wonder out loud how he could enter into the exam hall. Just then I checked my bag to see whether I could have brought it with me, and to my surprise it was with me, all along. Of course I apologized to my son, but I knew that I was not a good ambassador of Christ, and I was ashamed and feeling guilty. And at this point, this verse popped up. I almost cried because God is so gracious. By His grace, it's sufficient. His grace has forgiven me. His grace has made things right both for me and for my son. His grace has seen us through the ordeal. His grace has patch up things. His grace covers all guilt feelings and regrets. His grace is indeed sufficient.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, all sufficient grace, never powerless....always see us through every circumstances when we abide in Him!
