Tuesday 7 September 2010

The Work of the Holy Spirit

During the last lesson by the BSF on the work of the Holy Spirit, the teacher mentioned that one of the works of the Holy Spirit is tohelp believers know, love, obey and worship Jesus.

Then she asked us 2 questions:"What attitude do I take when I study the Bible?" and "What fruit might Jesus want me to produce?"

Prayer:Dear Lord, as I read Your Word, help me to search for You, know You, know Your will and Your character. I want to be bold and know for myself, for sure that Jesus is who He claims to be - the Son of God. I want to behold Jesus and '"catch Him and hold Him" and experience Him. I want to share His joy, His sorrow and His victory, His life. I want to be intimate with Jesus and obey Him as my Bridegroom. I want to please Him. Amen

Dear Lord, indeed "What fruit might Jesus want me to produce?" Lord, I can only say I am still at the starting point of the process of producing the fruit. May Thy Holy Spirit do the pruning work, teach me, counsel me, reproof me, and chastise me so that people may see the beauty and smell the fragrance of Jesus in me and that Your name be glorified. Yes Lord, more of love I desire, more of joy, more patience, more gentleness, more and more! In Jesus name. Amen

1 comment:

  1. Jean,
    Yes, the more we abide in Him, we bear much fruits...it is not by ourselves but a personal relationship with Him. I am much encouraged by your sharing!
