Does honesty mean that we tell everybody exactly what we think all the time? If my friend's dress is horrendously ugly, do I tell her so? If my boss has bad breath, do I tell him? Does honesty give us license to be rude or insensitive?
Solomon compares "a word aptly spoken" to an apple of gold. To speak aptly, we speak with discretion. Our words are prudent and show good judgment. We not only know what to say; we also know how and when to say it.
The wise heart is not indiscriminate. It knows when to overlook an insult and when to rebuke sin. It knows when to keep knowledge to itself and when to share it with others. It knows when to heed correction and when to ignore opinions. It knows when to pick someone up and when to let him fall down. It knows when to draw closer and when to run and take refuge.
BREATH FRESHENER ( Ephesian 4:29 )
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