Monday 4 January 2010

Mark 11:24

Whatever you ask for in prayer, believe.

Faith is not a sense, nor sight, nor reason, but simply taking God at His word.

The beginning of anxiety is the end of faith.

You will never learn faith in comfortable surroundings. God gives us His promises in a quiet hour, seals our covenants with great and gracious words, and then steps back, waiting to see how much we believe. He then allows the Tempter to come, and the ensuing test seems to contradict all that He has spoken. This is when faith wins its crown. This is the time to look up through the storm, and among the trembling, frightened sailors declare, "I have faith in God that it will happen just as He told me."
(Acts 27:25)

Believe and trust; through stars and suns,
Through life and death, through soul and sense,
His wise, paternal purpose runs;
The darkness of His Providence
Is starlit with Divine intents.

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