Tuesday 5 January 2010

THE VOICE OF GOD Genesis 3:9

Creation,humanity, beauty - each whispers to us, hinting at a God that is active in our lives. Then there are historical accounts of God speaking to people directly. Such messages may be more 'felt' than heard. Sometimes they have come through a dream or vision. Occasionally a distinct voice has been experienced. It seems that the divine chooses, on occasion, to make Himself clearly understood through words, phrases and syntax. It is here that our "whispers" get a little louder.

* A 36 year-old woman devotes fifteen years of her life teaching in an Indian school. During a train trip she hears a divine call to serve in the nation's slums. She obeys, and becomes Mother Teresa of Calcuttta.

* On February 7, 1837 a young girl named Florence hears a voice calling her to devote her whole life to God. As she responds she is filled with great faith and confidence, although she has no idea what she is supposed to do. But her obedience to that whisper pays off. Florence Nightingale later becomes a heroine of hospital system reform, touching the lives of millions.

* Late one night David Wilkerson opens a copy of Life magazine and stares at an artist's impression of a boy, one of seven on trial for murder. Unexpectedly he begins to cry. He hears a persistent command - 'Go to New York city and help those boys'. Against all logic he obeys. Today, Wilkerson's Teen Challenge centres have among the highest success rates of drug and alcohol recovery programs in the world

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jean, The above storys are so encouraging & touching, an act of obedience brings in divine blessings.
