Wednesday 10 March 2010


Several months ago, our local TV station invited the public to write in how they wanted the dramas produced by them to end. Most viewers chose a good ending - ...and they lived happily ever after sort of ending.

At about the same time, my church invited a little girl from overseas to share her testimony. She is blind from birth, but this has not embittered her a wee bit. She sings so joyfully to the Lord, giving Him all the glory and putting all the gifts and talents God gave her to encourage others. I remembered the pastor asking her a question,"Would you like God to heal you?" or something like that. She answered,"Of course I would love to be able to see. But if God chose not to heal me, I am still very thankful and grateful to Him and will continue to love Him and serve Him, just as I am."

Are we able to live with a thorn in the flesh, which God will not remove from us? God is sovereign. He has the authority, the power, the right to choose how our lives will be. Will we be angry or will we still be joyful - to serve Him and love Him just as i am?

1 comment:

  1. Dear Jean,

    Yes, our God is sovereign. When we recognise his sovereignty, we will give up our right and let Him run our lives....Today I yielded my rights to Him ....
