Friday, 23 July 2010


The story of the two sisters in Luke 10:38-42 is very real to me - sibling rivalry!

Questions for reflections:
1) What preconceived ideas (and even judgmental ones) did I have about these two sisters?

2) Do I relate more to Mary or Martha?

3) If I were a Martha, will I always remain a Martha?

4) How would I respond to Jesus when I asked Him"Lord, don't you care?" and He replied me the same way He answer Martha?

5) What can I learn from Mary and Martha? Can there be a balance - in the Living Room and the Kitchen?

Monday, 19 July 2010


Saint Augustine once preached a sermon in which he proposed a kind of self-test to see if we truly love God.

Suppose God proposed to you a deal and said,"I will give you anything you want. You can possess the whole world. Nothing will be impossible for you...... Nothing will be a sin, nothing forbidden. You will never die, never have pain, never have anything you do not want and always have anything you do want........ except for just one thing:you will never see my face."

Augustine closed with a question:

Did a chill rise in your hearts, when you heard the words, "you will never see my face"? That chill is the most precious thing in you; that is the pure love of God."

Mark 8:36 'What good is it for a man to gain the whole world, yet forfeit his soul?'

Jesus Understands

"Jesus wept" is famous as the shortest verse in the Bible, but that is the real power of the assurance that Jesus understands what life is like for us.

Jesus knew temptation: Mark 1:13

Jesus knew frustration: John 2:15-16

Jesus knew proverty :Matthew 8:20

Jesus knew weariness : John 4:6

Jesus knew disappointment : Luke 13:34

Jesus knew rejection : John 6:66

Jesus knew sorrow : Matthew 26:38

Jesus knew ridicule : Mark 15:19

Jesus knew loneliness : Matthew 27:46

For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but we have one who has been tempted in every way, just as we are - yet was without sin. (Hebrews 4:15)



I like this part of Brother Lawerence's 7th letter.

...spend the remainder of your life only in worshipping God. He requires no great matters of us: a little remembrance of Him from time to time, a little adoration; sometimes to pray for His grace, sometimes to offer Him your sufferings, and sometimes to return Him thanks for the favours He has given you, and still gives you in the midst of your troubles, and to console yourself with Him the oftenest you can. Lift up your heart to Him, sometimes even at your meals and when you are in company; the least little remembrance will always be acceptable to Him. You need not cry very lout; He is nearer to us than we are aware of.

It is not necessary for being with God to be always at church; we may make an oratory of our heart wherein to retire from time to time, to converse with Him in meekness, humility, and love. Ever one is capable of such familiar conversation with God, some more, some less; He knows what we can do.

Friday, 16 July 2010

Galatians 3:22 (God's promise)

Not long ago I had one of those nights when sleep wouldn't come, no matter how many sheep I counted. My heart was troubled and I couldn't let go of my worries no matter how hard I prayed.

Later the next day the heat and humidity exploded in a summer thunderstorm. After the storm passed I went outside to enjoy some cooler air. What I saw took my breath away. It was the most beautiful rainbow I had ever seen. Each colour was as vivid as if God had hand painted the rainbow in the sky just for me.

"God's promise," I said softly, and the rainbow is just a reminder of one of His promises.

God promised that He would answer my prayers. It may not be soon. It may not be the answer I want, but it will be the answer I need.

I know because He promised. God keeps His promises. By Teresa Bell Kindred


If you've found yourself yawning during devotions-or just eager for a change-you may want to consider the following suggestions for creative intimacy with God.

1. Take God out for coffee. Find a quiet corner in a cafe or even McDonald's and meet with God. Take your Bible and a notebook. Grab a cup of coffee and you're set for a heart-to-heart with your very Best Friend.

2. Put feet to your faith. Take a walk with God! Praise Him for His handiwork. Listen to the Bible or a sermon on tape. Pray. Your body and spirit will appreciate the workout.

3. Journal your journey. Keep a spiritual diary. Record thoughts as you meditate on Scripture. Write love notes to the Lord.

4. Hide the Word. Memorizing Scripture plants the Word of God deep in your heart. Write down on sticky notes and take them with you to practice.

5. Come before Him with singing. Add music to your devotions. Use a prasie tape or sing a cappella. Read a hymn out loud.

Extracts from the book entitled "Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World"

John 12:1-3

Jesus was anointed at Bethany in the house of Lazarus, Martha and Mary. I like to read the story of these 3 siblings. Though there were not many things written about them, but there are so many things to learn from them.

In Luke 10, we read that Martha was so busy in the kitchen preparing food for the guests. She was so flustered that she came to Jesus and demanded that the Lord tell Mary to help her. Well, the rest of the story is history.

Now in John 12, we too read that Jesus was eating at Martha's home again. In verse 2, we were told that Martha served and Lazarus was reclining near Jesus. But note the difference, Martha did not come to the Lord and asked Him to get help for her. What has happened?

Reflections: Martha will always be Martha - she has a heart and the gift to serve others. But she has learned not to be flustered but serve with gladness and love - not as a duty. Like Brother Lawerence, we can glorify God even when washing dishes in the kitchen. We can draw near to God anytime, any place and whatever we are doing.

Wednesday, 14 July 2010

but only one thing is needed (Luke 10:41-42)

The one thing that Jesus said was needed in Martha's life was fellowship with him - and that's true for us, too. Here are some ways to practice one-thing thinking when you feel overwhelmed:

1) Invite Jesus to rule and reign each morning when we get out of bed. Let Him come and take the throne of your life - to be the 'one thing'

2) Ask God to reveal the next step. "What is the one thing I need to do next?". Then take the next step.... and then the next.

3) Have faith that what needs to get done will get done, since you have dedicated your day to the Lord.

4) Be open to the Spirit's leading. You'll be amazed at the joy and freedom that comes from surrendering your agenda and cooperating with His.

Extracted from "Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World"

Monday, 12 July 2010

"Lord, the one you love is sick."

In John 11:2-3, Lazarus, the brother of Mary and Martha was dead. We were told that the sisters sent Jesus a word. The message was very simple "Lord, the one you love is sick."

Imagine the worry, grief, sorrow and sadness of these sisters. Yet their note to Jesus was so simple. The note did not demand Jesus to come quickly, to heal Lazarus immediately or requested Jesus to do this or that according to their wishes. So, in our earnest prayers to God, just state plainly the facts to the Lord and let God be God. We don't have to tell God what to do or how to do and when to do for us according to our wishes. What a lesson!

Also note that in this message, it stated plainly that Jesus loved Lazarus. It's not necessary to know whether Lazarus loved Jesus or not - Jesus will perform a miracle whether Lazarus loved him or not. It's an act of grace! And I was amazed that Jesus knew who was sick, even though the note did not state the name!

Some ways to Tame Your Worry Habit

In her book 'Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World', Joanna Weaver shares with us some ways to tame our worry habit, as worry can be a habit:

1) Pray (Colossians 4:2)
2 Mediate on God's promises (2 peter 1:4)
3) Trust God (Psalm 112:7)
4) Prepare for the unexpected (Proverbs 21:20)
5) Control your imagination (Isaiah 35:3-4)
6) Look on the bright side (Ephesians 4:29)
7) Do what is right (Acts 24:16)
8) Take care of yourself (1 Corinthians 6:19-20)
9) Don't worry alone (Proverbs 27:9)
10) Separate toxic worry from genuine concern (Proverbs 16:3)

Martha, Martha, you are worried and upset about many things

Pastor and teacher Gary E. Gilley sums up the difference between a healthy conern and worry like this:"Worry is allowing problems and distress to come between us and the heart of God."

When we are conern : Involves a legitimate threat
Is specific (one thing)
Addresses the problem
Solves problems
Look to God for answer

When we worry: Is often unfounded
Is generalized (spreads to many things)
Obsesses about the problem
Creates more problems
Looks to self or other people for answers

Extracted from the book entitled:Having a Mary Heart in a Martha world

Sunday, 11 July 2010

Having a Mary heart in a Martha world

Found this book in the library. The author talks about finding intimacy with God in the busyness of life - Haveing a Mary heart in a Martha world

Love to share some pointers extracted for encouragement:

We all dip down now and then into discouragement. The secret is not to stay there. Here are some ways you can beat the downward spiral of the Deadly D in your life:

1) Allow for rest stops. Remember the Sabbath rest? Be still and know that I am God.(Exodus 34:21)

2) Get a new point of view. Take a few steps back and ask God to help you see His perspective on your situation. (Isaiah 33:17)

3) Have patience. (Romans 8:28)

4) Mingle. Discouragement feeds off isolation. It's amazing how good, old-fashioned fellowship can life our spirits. (Psalm 133:1)

5) Set the timer. Just a 10-minute good cry is good for you. Jesus wept too! (Ecclesiates 3:4)

Friday, 9 July 2010

Remembering Thy Wonders

I just want to record these 2 wonderful incidents so that I will remember God's goodness and grace to me - I must not forget how good He is to me.

1) Elder son Jon wanted me to watch World Cup final with him. I agree as his dad is not in town to watch with him. But Jon also suggest we watch the match between Spain and Germany together. I could not agree as I have to work the next morning. He must be disappointed. But Papa God is good. Somehow during the night, I was awakened. I wanted to go back to sleep, but I knew that bonding with Jon is important. So I watched the later part of the 2nd half with Jon and saw how Spain won the match! (I know nothing about soccer)

2) Younger son Tim asked me to wake him up this morning at 5:30am. He wanted to print something on the computer to bring to school. So I set the alarm clock at 5:15am, but somehow it did not ring. Even my mobile alarm did not go off. But Papa God is good. He woke me up just in time - 5:25am.

Reflections: God is good. God is good all the time. God does good all the time. God watches over me all the time. Amen

Thursday, 8 July 2010


Very recently, my faith was put to the test!

I had an examination on Wednesday. In order to pass, I had to have a live model. And I had only just half an hour more, if no model appeared, then I failed! If you want to show that your skills in trimming some one's hair is good, you must have a live model, you just can't cut a dummy's hair to pass the test.

Lord, I have really done my homework well. I prepared well for the test. And I have prayed and submitted this exam. into Thy loving hands, so where is my live model? Just when I felt that all is lost, the Lord sent me a very beautiful live model! Praise the Lord, all glory to Him. And of course, I passed. Hallelujah!

Reflections: The Lord's timing is perfect. Just trust in Him. I have prayed, He has heard. Don't fret, don't worry - just believe.

P.S. The above example is only an illustration of my case. I am not a hair dresser, nor a doctor.


Yet when he heard that Lazarus was sick, he stayed where he was two more days.

We are always impatient. When we are sick, we pray for healing IMMEDIATELY. When we are anxious about our loved ones who are sick, we pray that God will heal NOW. After taking medicine for 1 day, we will doubt the effectiveness of the drugs. When our prayers are not answered soon, we will question where God is. We are always so impatient. We always want instant gratification.

But look at Jesus. He is never in a hurry. His timing is always perfect - never too early nor late.

Reflections:Lord, help me to trust in You. Even though I am so short-sighted and could not see any good or improvement, help me in my myopia. Empower me to just leave my every concerns upon that Cross and ....... well, just leave them there!

Monday, 5 July 2010


As we celebrate our National Day, burst after burst of fireworks light up the sky. And without fail, everyone utters collective ooohs and aaahs! (especially children)

But when God lights up the sky with His fireworks, most people (especially children) are so terrified and tremble in fear.Why are we afraid of God's lightnings in the sky, and why can't we hear God's powerful voice in the thunder? God's fireworks are for our good - not just for entertainment. They usually come with rain that cools us and water our thirsty land so that we can have food. All God's deeds are done for a purpose.

God's fireworks reveals His power and His bounty for His glory!

On the Shoulders of the Father

As a toddler, you may have sat on your daddy's shoulders to see more things. You did not worry of falling down because your daddy's hands were holding you, giving you security. This is just like a very young Christian - our Heavenly Father putting us on His shoulders so that we can get a better perspective of what's happening all around us. We are so small - small in stature, small in faith, small in wisdom and knowledge, so Papa God helps us along by putting us upon His shoulders and though we are afraid of falling at first, but we are confident as His hands are holding our hands.

As an adult with worries of a different sort, I need the support and comfort of my Father. I can tell Him my problems and know He will shield me all day long. Challenges diminish when I am resting on His shoulders, reassured that He is in charge. Shielded by His shoulders, I see that my concerns are really quite small.

Sunday, 4 July 2010

The Lord is my helper.

Our Lord is very good. He knows what's bothering me and come to my aid even before I asked!

Recently I was very bothered and concerned about a practical test I had to go through. I was rather worried about it because I don't feel good about someone sitting beside me watching what I do! It's nerve racking. Anyway I don't know the day I have to sit for the test, so I just push it right at the back of my mind. But I know the 'fear' was residing at the back of my mind. I refused to think about it - though I know that sooner or later, I will have to take the test.

On Tuesday night I had a dream. I dreamed I was taking the practical test! When I woke up, I remembered the dream very vividly. So I wondered could it be my test is today? Well, so I took out my notes and read up on the subject matter. I would not have done that if I did not have the dream. Guess what? I was called in to sit for the test on that particular day! Praise the Lord. The examiner said I actually did pretty well! Would I have done well if I did not dream about it?

Reflections: Thank You Lord, I knew You are the one who helped me - giving me strength and peace and calmness. All glory to Your name. Amen

Friday, 2 July 2010

Search me, O Lord.....

Ever since I shifted into this house in 1988, I have never cleared or cleaned my store-room. Countless times I have done spring-cleaning of all the other rooms and wardrobes, but never the store-room.

But this time, I pluck up my courage and just go ahead with the job I disliked. Why? Because this room is so cluttered with junk that I just don't know where to start. Golf-sets, bowling balls, umbrellas, broken sewing machine, obselete typewriter, lots of stationery and base-ball caps (smelly too!), luggage bags with winter clothings, even dirty army boots and sleeping bags, tool boxes etc etc etc......

Reflections:Dear Lord, cleaning and clearing the store-room is like cleaning my heart! I have a hard time doing a fair job of it, I believe You too had a difficult time cleaning up my heart that is so cluttered with unwanted attitudes - jealousy, pride, self-righteousness, self-reliance, complacency, selfishness, conceitedness, apathy, judgmental attitudes, lack of love and compassion etc etc etc Dear Holy Spirit, please strengthen me with the joy of the Lord for You are the one I rely on. In Jesus' name, Amen


Recently I have been busy doing some spring (or summer) cleaning in my house. I renovated my apartment about 2 1/2 years ago, and at that time I had discarded many unused and unwanted items - giving them away or sold them to the Cash Converters.

But less than 3 years on, I realised I have started accumulating many items that are useless and worthless. I begin to search the house (especially the store room) and found a large amount of things that I need to discard, once again.

Reflections: Lord, help me to store up treasures in Heaven above and not things that will rot and rust here on earth. The treasures in heaven will not be discarded for they are of value in God's eyes!


How can someone look at the ocean and not feel small in the presence of God? Or look up at the endless blue of the sky and not give thanks for the creation of our universe? Or feel a summer breeze and not know that it's God touch? How can anyone look at a baby and not know that God's greatest blessing is the miracle of life? God is merciful and loving and He wants everyone to come to know Him, I want to shine my light so that others see Him living in me. Extracted.