Friday 16 July 2010


If you've found yourself yawning during devotions-or just eager for a change-you may want to consider the following suggestions for creative intimacy with God.

1. Take God out for coffee. Find a quiet corner in a cafe or even McDonald's and meet with God. Take your Bible and a notebook. Grab a cup of coffee and you're set for a heart-to-heart with your very Best Friend.

2. Put feet to your faith. Take a walk with God! Praise Him for His handiwork. Listen to the Bible or a sermon on tape. Pray. Your body and spirit will appreciate the workout.

3. Journal your journey. Keep a spiritual diary. Record thoughts as you meditate on Scripture. Write love notes to the Lord.

4. Hide the Word. Memorizing Scripture plants the Word of God deep in your heart. Write down on sticky notes and take them with you to practice.

5. Come before Him with singing. Add music to your devotions. Use a prasie tape or sing a cappella. Read a hymn out loud.

Extracts from the book entitled "Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World"

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jean, today I went for a jog and i just enjoy praying and singing to Him even while jogging - My Lord and I!
