Monday 12 July 2010

"Lord, the one you love is sick."

In John 11:2-3, Lazarus, the brother of Mary and Martha was dead. We were told that the sisters sent Jesus a word. The message was very simple "Lord, the one you love is sick."

Imagine the worry, grief, sorrow and sadness of these sisters. Yet their note to Jesus was so simple. The note did not demand Jesus to come quickly, to heal Lazarus immediately or requested Jesus to do this or that according to their wishes. So, in our earnest prayers to God, just state plainly the facts to the Lord and let God be God. We don't have to tell God what to do or how to do and when to do for us according to our wishes. What a lesson!

Also note that in this message, it stated plainly that Jesus loved Lazarus. It's not necessary to know whether Lazarus loved Jesus or not - Jesus will perform a miracle whether Lazarus loved him or not. It's an act of grace! And I was amazed that Jesus knew who was sick, even though the note did not state the name!

1 comment:

  1. So true. I often find myself babbling to the Lord--He knows. He knows.
