A young man went to an aged saint one day and asked him to pray for him, saying, "I find myself give way to impatience continually. Will you please pray for me that I may be more patient?" The old man agreed. They knelt together and the man of God began to pray:"Lord, send this young man tribulation in the morning, send this young man tribulation in the afternoon......." The young man nudged him and said, "No, no, not tribulation, patience" "But," said the old saint, "it is tribulation that worketh patience! If you would know patience you must have the tribulation. If you would know victory, you must have conflict. It is impossible for anyone to talk about having a victory when they have never been in a conflict.You must be prepared to enter into the arena with the Lord Jesus Christ Himself, and He will give you lessons day by day. But I warn you, you will have to be quite prepared to pay the price. No one can enjoy victory without paying a price, even in the ordinary realms of life. If you want patience, then it is tribulation - if you want victory, it must be conflict." (Philippinans 4:13)
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