Ask, and you shall receive. Seek, and you shall find. Knock, and the door shall be opened to you.
Reflection: This word is like a 'gift' from God's treasure! It makes a magnificent promise to those who pray with a faith as solid as a rock, seek with filial humility, or knock with constant patience.
They will always experience that God keeps His word. For He is ever faithful.
Prayer: My God, I give You thanks with all my heart for Your promises. Grant that they may be fulfilled in me. Amen
Dear readers, I find this verse challenging. God wants us to take that step first before His promise come. Ask, then get what you want. Seek, then find what we are looking for. Knock and then He will open up doors! When we are lost and looking for the right direction, we are seeking. Then we see someone and we ask for directions and we will be shown the way! We must take that first step!
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