Today in church, the speaker talks about the happy family. Papa God desires that we have a happy family here on earth first before we join the big happy family in heaven! The speaker also shares with us some pointers that are helpful towards attaining this goal.
1. Be gracious - honour one another (of course children to parents)
2. Share (not only material things, but deep emotional heart-felt feelings etc)
3. Listen (most of us have lost the art of listening. Just listen and empathize)
4. Encourage (remember the 3 Es)
5. Say sorry(some people find it hard to do this sincerely)
6. Forgive (let go, let God)
7. Embrace
I like to highlight on embrace which what the speaker wants us to do at the end of the service.
She wants us to hug (really hug) each other and show us the hug that makes a difference.
Don't give the greeting hug (we see lots of these at the airports), don't hug and pat people's back (like we are forgiving the other party) but really hug long and sincere telling them how much they mean to you or say sorry how we have not valued them. When we do that, the Holy Spirit is able to work in us, reconciling the two parties, letting all hurts and bitterness melt in the Father's love. Malachi 4:6
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