Song of Solomon 1:7
The art of resting at noon has been lost, and therefore many are succumbing to the strain of life which is being lived in 'high gear'. Rest is not a sedative for the sick, but a tonic for the strong. It spells emancipation, illumination, transformation! It saves us from becoming slaves, even to good works and deeds.
It is not possible for many to have holidays and vacations at seashores or in mountain glens. We are a busy folk, and we must learn the blessed secret of resting just where we are.
Impatient hearts want action - now!
We fear God's time will be too late;
How prone we are to rush ahead-
When God says, "Wait!"
God's schedule always runs on time,
Though years seem days or days seem years;
But happy he who moves God's pace
And has no fears.
Not fast nor slow God's timepiece is,
So let us set our time with His.
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