Matthew 15:27
While Jesus was ministering in Tyre and Sidon a woman came to Him asking that He heal her daughter. According to His wisdom He hesitated until her persistent pleading drew from Him these words:"It is not right to take the children's bread, and to cast it to dogs."
Both the humility and the quick, eager faith of this woman appear in her response. "Truth, Lord: yet the dogs eat of the crumbs which fall from their masters' table." She was not offended by the figure our Lord had used. She was willing to be as a little dog under the Master's table. The children were first served, and then the pieces they let fall belonged to the dogs. And even the crumbs from that table were enough for her, more than the richest dainties from any other table.
Thus both humility and faith were shown in her answer; and in both she is an example to us. We should come to the lowest place. It is such a precious thing to be permitted to take even the crumbs from the Master's table, that we should exalt in the privilege. The crumbs of His grace and love are better than the richest feasts of this world.
I love this statement : "It is such a precious thing to be permitted to take even the crumbs from the Master's table, that we should exalt in the privilege." Do not belittle even in any simple service the lord put us in, be it arranging the chairs or ushering. When we use our heart and be humble, the Lord is well pleased.