A man with leprosy came to Him and begged Him on his knees."If you are willing, you can make me clean."
Filled with compassion,Jesus reached out His hand and touched the man. "I am willing."he said.
I read this story many times and always come up with the question 'Why did the leper said if you are willing?' His faith is obvious because as a leper he came out of isolation to seek out Jesus, believing Jesus can help him. So why did he doubt Jesus' willingness to heal him?
As I read this passage again, it dawn on me that this leper must have approached many priests and teachers of the law before, but they must have responded unfavourably, perhaps even shooing him away because the man is a leper and may pass the 'sickness' to them. This leper must have been disappointed many times and so even this time, he need to ask Jesus whether Jesus is willing or not because Jesus is also a teacher of the law!
Thank You Father that as we seek answers, You will teach us things that we never know before.
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