Thursday, 15 April 2010

Jesus Feeds The Five Thousand

The story of Jesus feeding the 5 thousand appears in the Gospels of John and Mark.
I love this story very much because it tells us many lessons - how Jesus has compassion on the people, how the people chased after Jesus, how Jesus taught the disciples faith and many more.

As I read this story in Mark, I imagine myself to be one of the disciples. In verse Mark6:38, Jesus asked "How many loaves do you have?" "Go and see."

Me, as disciple, say to myself "Wow, so many people, 5k you know. And no gramophone and mobile phone etc, how to ask ALL of them? Let's divide the job, my brothers. So, each one of us may have to ask 500 (5k plus women and children may come up to 6k). " So I went to the first one,"Did you bring any food?" NO! So I went to ask the second, third, fourth etc. As I go asking, my faith drops each time the answer is NO. But I must obey my Master, so I kept on asking, just keep on asking, just keep on asking. Until one boy says, "I have some bread and fish". "Thank you Lord, eventually some thoughtful mother has packed a lunch box for her child, Praise the Lord."My faith returns, knowing that God can provide.

Yes, even when we are faced with many trials and tribulations, never give up. Keep faith and just trust the Lord!

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