Sunday 9 May 2010

My Hero: Mum

Proverbs 31:28 Her children stand and bless her. Her husband praises her.

My mom has never run a marathon -but she has run to the store at midnight for medicine for sick kids. She has never held public office - but she knocked on doors so my dad could win a political office. Mom has never climbed the corporate ladder - but she often climbed into our tree house with us. My mom has never worked outside the home, but she always worked at making the inside of our home an oasis. That's why she's my role model.

My mom dried hundreds of tears when I had boy troubles, comforted me when I had nightmares, and prayed thousands of prayers for me.

I've told my mom many times that she is my hero. And I smiled when people say i remind them of her - because there's no one else on earth I'd rather be like. By Dena Dyer

1 comment:

  1. Praise God for all the mothers! May the Lord lead us to be role models for our children!
