Monday 3 May 2010


"And the very hairs on your head are all numbered. So don't be afraid; you are more valuable to him than a whole flock of sparrows." Luke 12:7

I regularly think of this verse as I shower, watching strands of my long hair flow down the drain as I rinse out the shampoo. I find them all over the house, too, on the furniture and the rugs. I'm constantly shedding old hairs and growing new ones, yet God is so great that He knows how many are on my head-and on every person's head-at any moment of any day.

With a little research, I found that the average number of hairs per head is 100,000, and most people lose strands at a rate of 50 to 100 per day. With 6 billion people on His earth, all tracked-what an illustration of how awesome God is!

Is there anything He can't do? No. There's no need for us to worry with someone so awesome paying such close attention to us. Praise the Lord? By Kim Sheard

1 comment:

  1. This is so assuring - Our God is an awesome God and He treasures us greatly!
